Outside sales representatives have a different set of tasks. They focus on the qualified leads that are handed off from inside sales. These leads need immediate attention and are farther along the sales cycle.
What is Inside Sales?2
What makes an inside sales program successful?3
Inside Sales vs. Outside Sales4
Should you keep inside sales in-house or outsource it?It is often the preferred method for B2B sales but can be a part of any high-ticket and complex sales cycle.
The goal of an inside sales rep is to develop a pipeline for the outside sales reps to pick up and take through to a close. The nature of the job is to cover a lot of ground at a reasonable pace, and that’s why inside sales reps mostly rely on the phone and email to reach out.
An inside sales representative must be comfortable reaching out and making multiple touches to prospects with whom they may never meet face to face. They are often the first experience a prospect will have with your company, so you want to make sure it’s a good one.
The job involves cold calling or responding to inbound leads, creating meaningful interactions with prospects, and then qualifying and nurturing the prospect well enough that they can be handed off to an outside sales representative as a solid lead.
Inside sales teams have the responsibility to drive the number of qualified leads that will support their organization. It is an extremely important role and the goal is to build and maintain a healthy and robust sales pipeline.
There is a tendency to want to fill inside sales positions with entry-level callers who rely on scripts rather than experience.
Inside sales is not an entry-level position.
Our business is outsourced inside sales for B2B lead generation and after decades of implementing successful programs, we have narrowed down the skills and traits that make a great inside sales representative:Outside sales representatives have a different set of tasks. They focus on the qualified leads that are handed off from inside sales. These leads need immediate attention and are farther along the sales cycle.
If an outside sales rep is trying to manage both sides of the sales process, things tend to fall apart because they will naturally gravitate towards opportunities that are closer to closing.
It’s common, and understandable, that an outside sales rep will focus on the leads that need immediate attention, including in-person meetings and negotiations with multiple decision makers. This means that the cold calling and qualifying leads will take a back seat and pipeline growth suffers.
It depends on the circumstances and capabilities within each organization.
Whatever the model, it is important to remember that inside sales is a valuable and necessary part of lead generation.
If you want to build your team in-house, it will need the expertise, attention, and investment similar to any other integral part of a company. The more experience and tenure your management and calling team have, the greater the chance of success building a healthy sales pipeline.
An in-house sales team also needs to be managed by an experienced leader who knows how to keep the group running smoothly.
Outsourcing inside sales can be very successful provided that the team retained has the business experience and acumen to speak to high-level people capable of carrying out a buying decision.
Previous experience with B2B outbound calling2
Experience or knowledge of the types of solutions, products or services they will represent3
A history of calling into the line of business titles within an organization that will be targetedOutsourcing can act as an alternative to an in-house team, or serve to enhance an existing one. It can be very successful if an in-house team needs to increase its bandwidth because of a new product or sales initiative. Likewise, if a company feels they need a larger and more consistently performing team but aren’t yet ready to invest in the overhead it would take to hire more full-time employees, outsourcing can provide a viable solution.
Or inside sales may be an area of expertise in which they are lacking and therefore they need to a firm that has experience in that particular industry or field.
As long as the outsourced firm you hire is qualified, and can provide you with a team of experienced business development professionals, you should expect great results and a positive ROI.
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