Stop Killing Trees! Why A Request for Information Is Not a Lead


Stop Killing Trees! Why A Request for Information Is Not a Lead

What to Do When a Prospect Asks You to Send Information

If you have spent any time in B2B telesales or teleprospecting, you are familiar with the fact that a very natural response from a prospect that you have called will be a request for information.


When this happens, you do have the option to simply say yes, hang up the phone, and send out the information.


However, that is a waste of paper and a waste of time.


You haven’t qualified a lead, and the best outcome to this situation is for you to attempt another call down the road where you will start over again.


That is because, simply put, a request for information is not a lead.

Does a Request for Information Imply An Interest?

When you make a call and the person at the other end stops you and asks you to send them information, they are most likely not interested, but rather trying to hang up as quickly as possible.


Even if their intent is positive and by some chance they give the literature time and attention that shows more than a passing interest. Even if they read it and digest every word. The chance of that moving the offer are miniscule. That’s even with someone with the best of intent.


More likely the outcome will be a second call in which you remind the prospect that you sent them information and they either don’t remember or didn’t read it. Saying yes and inundating a prospect with information wastes the time of the caller and the prospect.


So let’s save some trees.

How Should A Salesperson Handle A Request for Information?

If someone requests information, don’t be dismissive.


Agree to send the information but don’t let the conversation stop there.


This is your chance to extend the conversation with the following question, “I’ll be glad to send you some information, but let me ask you, assuming you like what you see, are you in position where your organization is actually looking for this type of business solution at this time?”


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The answer will either be yes, no, or maybe. If the answer is yes, keep talking and start qualifying the opportunity right there. The prospect will take the time – if they won’t, arrange another time to talk.


If the answer is no – like with any good call – find out why not. What do they currently have in place to take care of that part of the business? Why do they like it? How long have they had it? Should we keep in touch for a potential time in the future?


Any one of these questions give you the opportunity to start a real conversation and create a meaningful interaction.


If the answer is maybe, you have a whole lot to explore and investigate there. This is the perfect time to ask some open ended questions and get the prospect talking about the current situation and any business pains that they are currently experiencing.


In taking this approach, you’re being polite; you’re agreeing to the request, but then you are beginning to qualify the opportunity, which is a much better use of your time then sending out literature.


The next time you hear a request for information, give this approach a try and diffuse the situation right away.


You will find that your calls are more productive, efficient, and more likely to leave you with qualified leads.




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